
The New Year: Anthovei 1st, celebration of the day the elemental spirits created the world.

Las Pha Elìs Festival: Anthovei 9th, The day to celebrate when the spirits brought the elemental powers to Pestelgia. Which was when they gifted the power of the elements to the inhabitants of the world in the form of the elemental gems.

The day of Chozo: Anthovei 71st The celebration of the first chosen ones, which marks the defeat of the Meledrin (who was a small tribe that believed magic was bad, and attempted to destroy the gems and anything/anyone associated with magic.)

Navani's Day: Zinsolen 11th: In honor of Navani and Bex (2 of the First Chosen Ones (FC)) and their marriage, this day is to celebrate love.

The Day of Bex: Zinsolen 64th: The day the first of the FC died, and in remeberence of him, Navani request that this is the day to symbolize friendship (what Bex cherished in life).

Celebration of Soltar: Zinsolen 96th to Gaothetar 1st: A 2 day celebration to cherish the last 2 days of summer going into autumn. In FC the chosen of fire element was a town's bard who cared about joy and happiness. He made a request to make this a required holiday to allow workers extra time off from any labor. This means it is punishable by law, if an employer attemps to force a worker to work.