Kecyl Jude Folook




Element:Plant, Earth

Height:6 foot,1 inch

Weight:169.5 pounds

Home Village:Ponnunia

Species:Wolf Kuhamut

Birthday-In the Story:Anthovei 80,805 TCD

Birthday-If in Real Life:May 1



Tan skined boy with red-brown hair with wolf ears and tail.Wearing a green shirt black vest with a fluffy hood and brown flare pants. Original sketch of Kecyl's design. A tan wolf kuhamut with redish brown floofy short hair. Kecyl's color pallet of 8 earthy tones. dark grey for jacket, redish-brown for hair,brown for pants, honey orange for eyes, yellow for necklace, dark unsatuated peach for skin, light grey for ears and tail, green for shirt.