Chapter 2:

Flirtatious Music

In a different empire, the city based on the element of fire is called Fija. The great pride of the kingdom was the mighty castle it held at its center.

In a park a few days later, gentle yet playful music flowed through the air, enticing the ears that heard it. A group of giggling girls, as well as females in awe, stood near a young man playing the violin. Some bystanders walked by and were also attracted to the beauty of his music. His attire was unique compared to most. With how he presented himself, it was easy for a random civilian to assume he had a flirty personality. Adding to the assumptions, he would casually wink at random girls in the crowd, confirming them. Most, however, would be oblivious to the subtle flirtation. His shoulder-length hair framed his facial features.

When his music finished, people applaud the beautiful performance. Raxioka chuckled in response and bowed slightly down, saying a gentle "thank you" to their appreciation. His attention was then guided to the fans watching him. Many began asking questions.

“Raxi, when will you play again? I would love to hear more," one fan commented. The female’s body language implied she was trying to flirt with him, including pushing her way into his personal space, twirling her hair, and batting her eyelashes.

Amused, Raxioka watched her, “Little lady, you know my scheduled performance times; as you have been present to all of them the past year,” His hands gently grabbed her shoulders and moved her a few steps away from him.

His romantic pink-colored eyes then looked at another girl, who was approaching, “ do you have a particular interest in a certain type of girl? And by chance would that type be me?” In the background, he could see the other females fuming when she asked that question. Once again, this ginger-haired man found amusement, deciding to have a little fun, “Well, it depends madam. What type exactly are you?” he playfully smirked as his eyes glimmered with flirtation. He stepped closer to her and watched as she turned a shade of pink, and he could assume she was internally screaming.

He stepped to the side and then looked at the group as a whole. “Thank you once again for being loyal to music and coming to listen to me play. As well as being true fans,” his charming smile caught a shimmer from the sun as he bowed once again for politeness and then departed from the park.

The moment he left the park and turned to head home, he heard a forced-out cough to grab his attention. He turned back around and his eyes widened as a smile grew across his face. It was a woman that looked familiar in features to Raxi. Her eyes are a piercing yellow color. “I came back to see if you were doing alright for yourself. You obviously are, if you have girls hanging on your every word and following your every move, having them wrapped around your twisted little finger,” she retorted, a serious expression remaining.

Raxioka just chuckled, “Nice to see you too, Corre,” he smiled at her, walking closer. The woman rolled her eyes and playfully pushed his shoulder back, a similar smile to his appearing on her face.

“I come all the way from Walfey to see your doofus butt, and I get greeted by my little brother being a little too friendly with all the girls in town,” she laughed, flicking the beaded accessory in Raxi’s hair. “I didn’t think signing you up for an apprenticeship with that professional violinist would eventually lead to you becoming the kingdom’s frivolous heartbreaker,” she stated with amusement in her voice. Raxioka just laughed in response.

“I still appreciate what you did for me all those years. But be mindful Corre, you were the one that basically raised me,” he laughed, clearly placing the blame upon her.

Corresta's eyes widened a little, amused at the comeback and pretended to be a touch offended, “What exactly are you inferring?” she placed her hand on her cocked hip waiting for a response.

“Well, I had to have had someone to be an influence, to wind up having such a eccentric character.” he mused.

“Are you calling me a flirt?”

“If the shoe fits” he shrugged, his smile remaining.

“Well then, if that’s not the pot calling the kettle black.” a few fairly-large sized water globs formed in her hand and then flew them at the boy, drenching his hair and clothes. Raxioka gasped at the sudden coolness of the water, but then burst into laughter.

“What? Me? I wouldn’t say I’m the flirt when it’s the girls that makes the approach. But even if I did, I must’ve gotten it from you. Your cool-girl attitude with the leather jacket, bet you let people fawn over you too.” he chuckled, gesturing to her appearance.

She once again rolled her eyes, “If that’s what you think. But I’ll tell you I am too busy to ever entertain any foolishness,” she shook her head with a smile. “Anyway, are we going to head to your house, or are we going to just stand here, twiddling our thumbs, and chit-chatting all day? I am hungry and you need a change of clothes,” she laughed referring to the current wet clothes sticking to his silhouette.

He joined her with laughter, “well if anyone sees, it will all be your error not mine.”

*Chapter still in progress*